| has organic roots. We welcome triangulated feedback.
If you offer (1.) a real sensation, such as hurt, anger, or
fear; (2.) exactly what words were said; (3.) and the
place where they were said, we can make deductions and incorporate
your feedback.
If you write, for instance, "(1.) I felt afraid; (2.) a
homeless person said, 'I have a flat tire ... Can you give
me any money?' (3.) outside a bus station on a cold winter
night," we can begin to understand the experience, and may
include it here, in the triangulated
section. Your specifics will almost certainly make their way
into our second main index, for the
benefit of everyone else on the planet.
My name is Richard Ames Hart; I drive Yellow Taxi 1010 in San
Francisco, California USA, and live in Berkeley across the San Francisco
Bay, not far from the railroad tracks. Our painter, Amoret Phillips,
(with her hat, animals, daughters and grandchildren,) lives with
her teenage son in Boone, North Carolina USA.
